St. Francis of Assisi

by: Mary Ann Bolanos

St. Francis of Assisi was a son of a rich merchant. 
He was the founder of the friars minor Franciscans and a Confessor.

He was a knight, a crusader against the saracens.

When he came back from a campaign, he was very ill, and almost died. While sick, he realized God is calling him for a greater cause. He was called to live a life of poverty, chastity and obedience. His charism is to teach the virtue of  poverty and rally for peace.

He became a great friend of a Sultan, they both resolved that living peacefully together
is better than killing each other
despite differences in religion.

The movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" is the life of the St. Francis of Assisi.

Here are some photos of St. Francis' hometown taken
by my friend Mariz of UPLB (University of the Philippines in Los Banos): 

Blessed Mother Mary and her Son
St. Francis Assisi, Church
St. Francis of Assisi

               If you will be staying in Novaliches this upcoming October 2018, it is great to visit a similar Church dedicated to St. Francis, because we are near the convent of the Franciscans. They have a nice Church, with all the paintings of the life of St. Francis. It is like a Church in Rome, dedicated to St. Francis. You have to see it for yourself. If you have a chance to spend Christmas and New Year here, its great to attend Holy Mass there, when they open it to the public.


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