
Showing posts from October, 2018

All Saints' Day and All Souls' Day

November 1 and November 2 By: Ronan Vergara Being Orientals, the Filipinos commemorate “All Saints’ Day” and “All Souls’ Day” (November 2) in a very colorful fashion. Some prefer to stay shortly at a temporary housing in Novaliches to be able to reach Holy Cross Memorial Park; and stay overnight after the typical family gathering. As a child, I recalled tagging along with my friends to sing the “Pangangaluwa” (a folk song about souls asking for alms) in front of households on evenings prior to November 1 – All Saints’ Day.  At the event of the commercialization of “All Saints’ Day”, big malls are opened – thus it is easy for families traveling here and there to get access to basic services. We usually take a time off as early as 30 October 2019 if we need to visit our family members who departed from this life to the next Life. Families typically use houses near the place where they need to visit, especially if the place is far from their homes. Typically the employees ...

St. Francis of Assisi

by: Mary Ann Bolanos St. Francis of Assisi was a son of a rich merchant.  He was the founder of the friars minor Franciscans and a Confessor. He was a knight, a crusader against the saracens. When he came back from a campaign, he was very ill, and almost died. While sick, he realized God is calling him for a greater cause. He was called to live a life of poverty, chastity and obedience. His charism is to teach the virtue of  poverty and rally for peace. He became a great friend of a Sultan, they both resolved that living peacefully together is better than killing each other despite differences in religion. The movie "Brother Sun, Sister Moon" is the life of the St. Francis of Assisi. Here are some photos of St. Francis' hometown taken by my friend Mariz of UPLB (University of the Philippines in Los Banos):  Blessed Mother Mary and her Son St. Francis Assisi, Church St. Francis of Assisi         ...

Philippines Survival Tips: Jet Lag Buster

Mrs. Queenie T. Bolanos Welcome to the Philippines ! So you are flying in the Philippines using a red eye flight! I know the jaded floating feeling, hoping to hit the sack (bed) the soonest! Here are some tips on how to get rid of Jet lag: 1. Avoid drinking heavy wine on board. We are a tropical country and drinking wine without enough sleep can give you severe headache. Choose tomato juice, mineral water and pineapple. 2. Do your best to sleep while flying, especially if you are transferring from one time line to another. 3. When you are meeting up your relatives, make sure to forwarn them that you need to rest for at least 2 days of sleep, especially if you are coming in from Europe. Some they prefer a 1 week rest, especially those who are flying in from Iceland. Inform your relatives that you will accept reunions, invites and visitors after one week. Otherwise you will find yourself super hot headed because of jet lag. Great to have few close relatives to assist you. This is importa...

The Feast of the Guardian Angels

by: Angela, Charles, Charlene and Daniel The feast of the Guardian Angels is celebrated on 2 October 2019 Angela:  The Guardian Angels are our greatest ally. They always protect us day in and day out. Charles: We can talk to our Guardian Angels daily, waking, walking and till the end of the day. Charlene:  My Guardian Angel helps me a lot, in my studies and while dealing with friends. Daniel I ask the help of my Guardian Angel always, and especially when I travel and play sports. My Guardian Angel is a real best best friend. Prayer to the Guardian Angel Ewtn Sign of the Cross Angel of God, my guardian dear To whom God's Love, commits me here. Ever this day, be at my side, go light and guard to rule and guide. Amen Sign of the Cross