How to Organize a Family Celebration at the Furnished Apartment in Novaliches

By: Alvin and Queenie Bolanos

Spending vacation at the furnished apartment in Novaliches Quezon City, typically comes with it family gatherings. The listings is comprehensive. Filipinos always find reasons to celebrate. We are happy people by nature.

If  it is your first time in our country, it is best to always allow yourself to be adopted by a family of a friend, to experience the family.  Just make sure your friend is a real friend.

Most family gatherings in the Philippines are about Baptism, Confirmation, Marriage, Wedding Anniversaries and yes... family reunions.

We had written about family reunions before, so we will focus on how to organize celebrating the sacraments at the furnished apartments in Novaliches.


Before going to the Philippines, when you anticipate of getting wedded,
 make sure you have your complete requirements. You may click
this link where Joy B. has written a comprehensive summary
of the papers you need to bring.

Weddings are special days for couples. Spending a bit more for this
special day is for keeps. Marriage is a long term investment.

A list of god parents, entourage and guests and the budget.


Baptism is a sacrament or a gift from God  wherein a person receives lots of
powerful sanctifying grace or God's life through pouring of clean water in the
forehead of the baby or baptism in the Catholic Latin Rite.

The person baptized becomes a "child of God" and the stains of original
sin committed by our first parents are washed. This sacrament is only received

The soul of a newly baptized baby is super bright
and without stain, and their Guardian Angel meet
God face to face.

So, Baptism is a big day. Wise parents usually have
Baptism in the hospital itself, when they call in the
hospital's chaplain. The god parents are usually the siblings of
the husband and wife. Celebration is in the hospital itself.

Some parents however opt to have big celebrations,
I have nothing against it. As long as the baptism of the
 baby is not delayed unnecessarily.

In case of extreme necessity a person can be baptized by another
by pouring clean water in the name of the Father, the Son and
the Holy Spirit, making the sign of the cross.

If you are having a big celebration of Baptism
at the furnished apartment in Novaliches, you may
have the reunion place reserve before the upcoming
event. It is best to avoid to noisy celebrations like super loud karaoke.


The Sacrament of Confession is usually celebrated when a
scheduled confession for the whole family during feasts, birthdays
and holidays are scheduled. It is usually at lunch or merienda time.

Confession is a Sacrament wherein short comings, unfortunate
injustice done to the others rectifying and being sorry for one's
mistakes and sins are confessed to God through an ordained Catholic
Priest. One is given absolution afterwards. Whether its a minor (venial)
sin or heavy (mortal) sin, it is always the best to mention how many times
the sins were committed. The Priest as a good doctor of the soul will be
able to give the appropriate advice and penance.

First Holy Communion is a special event for all of us. The first
time we receive the Triune God Himself in a Consecrated Host.
The Consecrated Host may appear like a wafer, but the substance
is God Himself. The Miracle of Lanciano is the Holy Eucharist in
substance. The Holy Eucharist in wafer form turned into a real
body and blood of God Himself, and to this day is for all to see.

The First Holy Communion is always celebrated as a family.
This is usually celebrated on Sundays so the family also attends
the big event.

But sometimes it is held on weekdays to accommodate the
hectic schedule of the Catholic Priest.


At 12 years old, each child should receive this Sacrament.
The children have classes before they reach the age of 12.
The Bishop or Archbishop is in charge of  giving the Sacrament
of Confirmation.

However, some people delayed their Confirmation for one
reason or another. But this is not a cause of alarm.
Best is to apply to get the Sacrament of Confirmation.
You will be bestowed with lots of gifts from the Holy Spirit,
including Wisdom.

1.) Baptismal Certificate: original and photocopy.
2) Birth Certificate (original)
3.) Sponsors/Witnesses (Ninong and Ninang or God Parents)
4) Contribution to St. Michael and the Archangels Parish Php 600 pesos only.
5) Pen

Be at the St. Michael and the Archangels National Shrine Parish at 9 a.m. 
1000 Gen. Solano St, San Miguel, Manila, Metro Manila


This is also a big celebration in the family when a son becomes a

Usually the ordination is done by the Archbishop or the Bishop of
the Parish. The people of the town where the brother served attends, and
the whole family.

This is like a wedding preparation for most families, as this is a really
super big event.

Here are the preparations:

1. Invitation way ahead of schedule.
2. Remembrance. Usually a "stampita" that has the date of the
ordination. When the ordination is by the Holy Father himself, usually
the First Holy Mass of the newly ordained priest is celebrated in the
home country or the country where he is assigned.
3. Salo-salo or Food Celebration attended by relatives, friends and
the community where the Priest practiced as a deacon.

All Saints and All Souls Day

All Saints and All Souls Day officially starts for most Filipinos on 30 October because of the long trip back to the provinces. Although most businesses start closing up on the 31st of October.

1 November is All Saints Day, when it is a joyful feast, as its the day of the Saints.

2 November  is All Souls Day, where Holy Mass is celebrated for the whole month for the repose of the souls of relatives and friends. But this special date is when families gather together to pray and have a celebration in the cemetery... The reason for this is the hope that the departed loved one is already in heaven enjoying perfect joy and peace.


Funerals are definitely not a celebration, but is considered a family
gathering when a member of the family died.

Most funerals are really sorrowful, but peace usually
rules the atmosphere if the departed was prepared

Typically the sacrament which is given is the
Anointing of the Sick with Holy Viaticum before dying.
This sacrament is usually given to people who are infirmed
or old age and/or with serious illness.

The Priest usually confers the Sacrament upon request
of the family members.

The Sacrament is a healing sacrament. The sick person
may recover fully from the sickness if God wishes to grant it
or given time to prepare for the next life; or a gift of total
forgiveness of being with God in Heaven.

We have seen the miracle of the  sacrament of the
Anointing of the Sick, many times in our
family life, that is why we are writing about it. Though not
as part of the celebration but a preparation.

However if the person eventually passes this life to the next
Life, a funeral follows. Another family reunion ensues,
a short "salo-salo" among close family relatives. Friends are usually
ask to join the buffet after the "libing" or following the remains
of the person to its tomb. But typically people usually goes back home
after, and the family is left to mourn.

Most times, it is a "salo-salo" among family relatives.

After which, the next year of the anniversary of the death; and the
month of All Saints Day and All Souls Day again, a great gathering
among kins is expected. The Holy Mass for the month of November
is offered to the kins and relatives who died.

And another family reunion is at the fore.


Birthdays is a close knit family reservation. The celebrant may
opt to celebrate with friends and relatives.

Most Filipinos love to sing, so birthdays are usually with karaoke or singing.

The tip is to plan ahead: menu, relatives and friends coming, and the line up of
songs... If the birthday celebrant is a child, some cool fun games may be added

Most moms prefer a catering, if not home cooking or pot luck is sometimes the
in thing. It depends on the crowd really.

Make sure the singers are not the out of tune type, otherwise the neighbors will
start ringing the doorbell to request you to stop singing. Otherwise opt to sing without
the microphone.


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