How to Shop Fresh Veggies int the Philippines

by: Me (Aileen Soriano) with my sweetheart :)

When its Christmas time most prices of food
and commodities tend to spike high.

Going to the market early to get the first
pick in the Philippines is when the prices
are usually reasonable. Instead of going to
the peak hours when the vegetable sellers tend
to add a bit more on the prices.

Ask for a discounted price every time you
buy from the fresh market in the Philippines,
especially when you are buying in bulk.
Example is when you want to buy 12 coconuts.
If the price is at Php 22.oo, you may haggle to
get it at Php 18 pesos or Php 20.00 mid price.

If you are buying vegetables, fish or meat,
the sellers usually give you a 3% discount especially
if you buy lots... you can even ask for an add on
fresh fish.


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