Tips on How to Avoid Stress When Required to Work on Weekends

by: Aileen B. Soriano

Moms are 24/7 duty bound. If you are a working mom like me,
I know what you feel.

 Your boss requires the whole department to work because of
an urgent job to finish. Here are some proven tips so as not to go
crazy without that Sunday break for week.

1. Make sure that when you get home tonight, you have to talk to
your children about the urgent work needing to be finished.

2. Project how much time will the urgent days be careening
towards "THE DAY". Forwarn your family members.

3. Hire extra help if there is a need. Moms are in charge of the
house no matter what. Hubbies have their own roles, but you have
 to be on top when it comes to the household.

4.  Ask the help of your older children, like washing the dishes,
cooking, and cleaning the house if help is unavailable during
weekends. Together plan the morning Sunday, then make sure
that you have that funny movie in the evening with popcorn
 and a cold drink.

5. Sleep early on a Sunday after watching a movie. Relax your feet.
6. Haggle with your big boss after the super urgent days
week are finished...file a leave afterwards to energize
yourself for the next challenges ahead.

7. Make a pact with your husband, that if Sundays was declared
a working day, you will haggle for a 2 weekend out the next week.
Big boss are family people too, they know if you overworked
you will break down...but sometimes weekend break can be
 unavoidable...if this happens to you, prepare...and plan ahead.


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