How to Get Rid of Jet Lag

by: F. C. Irorita

If you live very far away from the Philippines and decide to come visit our country, then you may have already experienced jet lag. Jet lag is a sleeping disorder caused by traveling to a different time zone and your body’s sleeping pattern gets messed up because your body clock hasn’t adapted yet to the shift in the hours of the day.

To counteract jet lag, it is best to be prepared before traveling. The best way to deal with jet lag is to go to your destination a few days earlier before your intended arrival to give your body time to adjust to the new environment. Look for places to stay in the Philippines or find a vacation apartment so that you will have a temporary housing while you let your body recuperate.

Additionally, you should refrain from consuming alcoholic or caffeinated beverages; instead you should give your body lots of water and keep it hydrated all the time. You could also try taking melatonin and then sleeping for around ten hours right after you land, but you should check with your doctor first before using it.
You should also try natural light therapy. The way you deal with sunlight depends on where you came from and where you’re going. For west to east flights, you should avoid sunlight in the morning, while you have to get lots of it when you came from the east going to the west.

Carbohydrates and fatty food should also be avoided because they can be disruptive to your sleep. In any case, many frequent fliers eat a lot before their flight and fast when they land. Although this strategy has not yet been medically proven, it’s a strategy that many use and may have an effect psychologically if not physically.

Before sleeping, you should also take a hot bath to relax your muscles and therefore making it easier for you to sleep at night.

You can easily take a warm shower when you are staying at a two-bedroom furnished apartments and five-bedroom short term rentals.  This will make your muscle relax and sleep tight.

You should also minimize distractions when going to bed. Turn off all lights, close all windows and put everything on silent. Try not to do anything else other than sleeping in your bed, such that your body would relax and make it easier for you to sleep and get you out of the jet lag.

The bottom line is, if you’re traveling a long distance and going to experience jet lag, the best way to cope is to have lots of rest. Be sure to have good accommodations to maximize your experience and so that you would be well-rested before your trips. Finally, enjoy your stay in the Philippines!


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