Philippine Culture: Holy Week in the Philippines and Easter Sunday
By: J. C. Bulan The celebration lasts for eight days from Palm Sunday to Easter Sunday. The days are Palm Sunday, Holy Monday, Holy Tuesday, Holy Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Black Saturday, and Easter Sunday. Often, Holy Week falls during summer vacation in the Philippines. There are specific customs done for each day. During Palm Sunday, church goers bring palm fronds with them to mass. After the mass, the priest walks through the church blessing the palm fronds, imitating Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem. The Palms are blessed and are dried up. Next year all dried palms are gathered and burnt to be used on the next year’s Ash Wednesday. Holy Week is always spent with the family, like Christmas, but this time its the whole week. There are three events on Maundy Thursday. The first is the Chrism mass, the mass where many priests renew their vows. Church tools such as the Chrism, the Oil of the Catechumens, and the Oil of the sick are also blessed on this day. The second mass ...